A: You should immediately inform your insurance company about the incident. There should be a claim form in your insurance documents. Find it and fill the claim form. You will have to submit the claim to the company to file the auto insurance accident claim.
Some insurance companies also let you file insurance claims online on their website. If that facility is available with your insurance company, file the claim in addition to the form.
The insurance company will contact the other parties insurance themselves, you needn't worry about that. The company will ask you take your car to a garage, and a claim adjuster will review the damage and negotiate the repairs.
It would have been better if you would have stayed at the accident site until the police came. That would have sorted out the at-fault issue. But since you are home there is nothing you can do about that anymore. If possible sort out who is at fault with the other party, and inform the claim adjuster about this to make your auto insurance accident claim easier to process.
Last but not least, we strongly recommend that you spend a few minutes online comparing quotes from other auto insurance providers. Many drivers are overpaying for coverage and you might be shocked at just how much money you could be saving.
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